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utorrent and wget problem


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Hello everyone,

I install the utserver in a debian-based machine, I edit the configuration file putting admin as user and password. And i disabled the cookie authentication by setting token_auth_enable

: false

I am trying to use wget to add a torrent file and initiate a download, however it rejects it saying unauthorized user: I am introducing the following command

wget --http-user=admin --http-password=admin http://machinewhereutorrentis.com:8080/gui/?action=add-url&s=http://genepi-19:6881/metainfo.torrent

And the answer is :

Resolving genepi-19...

Connecting to genepi-19||:8080... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized

Connecting to genepi-19||:8080... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 400 ERROR

2011-11-11 18:34:08 ERROR 400: ERROR.

However, if I put directly the command on a web browser it executes it and the download begins. I think i am missing some option in either the config file or the wget because other actions like gettsettings work propertly.

Any ideas ?, thanks in advance.

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Yes according to what I have read you can set this flag to false to disable defenses against the cross forgery attack, however I have inspected the GET message with Mozilla Tamper Data, and i noticed that it uses cookies, so maybe this is the problem. I have added --keep-session-cookies option to wget but the result is the same.

Any ideas ?

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I finally switched to CSFR protection, now i am doing this (user=admin, password=admin) :

wget --http-user=admin --http-password=admin http://adonis-11:8080/gui/token.html

what retrieves :

<html><div id='token' style='display:none;'>rVIbokt9nW1fJnSmpUMmhSry0w3Z0CNvkTqB33xhZy98j-7Z6AsBisZnvk4=</div></html>

And then i used this token in :

wget --http-user=admin --http-password=admin http://adonis-11:8080/gui/?token=rVIbokt9nW1fJnSmpUMmhSry0w3Z0CNvkTqB33xhZy98j-7Z6AsBisZnvk4&action=add-url&s=http://adonis-12:6881/metainfo.torrent

However the answer is the same :

Connecting to adonis-11||:8080... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized

Connecting to adonis-11||:8080... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 400 ERROR

2011-11-12 13:37:09 ERROR 400: ERROR

It is anything i am doing wrong ?

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I succeeded to correct this error by using wget -S option to retrieve the headers sent by the server, I copy - paste the cookie value in the next request using using wget --header option, now it successfully answers with the torrent ID but, when i inspect it on the web browser the torrent do not appear. Nor seems to be seeding

Any suggestions ?

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