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How to limit TCP-connection establishing / forming speed?


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Hi everyone! My first post! :P

Aynways, I am using iPhone as my modem (internet tethering) and my issue is that the default TCP-connection forming speed is too quick (faster than my ISP allows) which causes complete disconnecting from web.

I would like to find a setting that would allow me to limit connection forming to for example 1 connection / 5 seconds for something like that.

I have limited max connections to 50 and 5 per torrent, but the problem is - if I have for example 10 torrents and tick them all "on" at the same time my connection dies almost instantly because uTorrent tries to establish all of those connections at the same time which causes my ISP´s 3G network radio tower to prevent. I suppose it thinks the cell / tower / my SIM is under DoS attack...

I can prevent this by ticking torrents on one by one, but that takes time and it´s rather annoying.

There seem to be plenty of "advanced settings" and I tried doubling some of the timing values, but cannot really say this fixed anything.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated! :D


Thanks for that lightning fast reply!

Trying it right away. :)

halfopen connection = connection that is forming, but not yet established?

By lowering that to 1 (or a similar low value) uTorrent forms one connection / time, am I correct?


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