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newbie: how to get a 1:1 ratio with a 20000/512 Kbit ADSL?


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Hi, I'm new to the torrent world and I didn't find any good answer to this question.

I think you all have DSL symmetric lines in the US or other countries, with an equal bandwidth for downloads and uploads, so it's easy to maintain a good ratio on the private trackers when being downloading/uploading 24/7.

But here in italy, a symmetric XDSL line costs like 10 times an asymmetryc ADSL, so I'm stuck with 1000 Kbyte of real download speed and only 50 Kbyte of real upload speed.

So, if I download 50GB worth of files in a single day, I have to seed them for almost 2 weeks to gain a 1:1 ratio and have the ability to download again!

Do you think torrent is not meant for ADSL at all or there's something I'm not thinking of?


Ok, I didn't know that, so what am I missing?

The problem arises because I have to download 4/5 files a week and they are huge 8/10GB ones.

I previously used emule for my p2p sharing and downloading, and I thought it was too low on the downloading, so I wanted to join the torrent world for its promise (fullfilled) of high speeds.

But I see that the only useful method here would be to heavily limit my download bandwith so it can be only a little more over the upload rate, thus allowing me to maintain a 1:1 ratio all the time without the fear of being banned from the serious trackers, but also heavily limiting the amount of content downloaded.

Is this the only way to proceed?


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