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Repeated TED hashfails


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I'm running 3.0 26743 32-bit

Most everything is working as expected except for two things:

Rarely and irregularly a completed torrent isn't moved to the specified location.

More importantly: Tho many torrents work fine, a few torrents from the TED application get a big stream of hashfailes, e.g.:

[2011-12-01 13:51:40] *** Ray Kurzweil on how technology will transform us.mp4: PIECE 9214 FAILED HASH CHECK


[2011-12-01 13:51:49] *** Ray Kurzweil on how technology will transform us.mp4: PIECE 2415 FAILED HASH CHECK

[2011-12-01 13:51:49] *** Ray Kurzweil on how technology will transform us.mp4: PIECE 2416 FAILED HASH CHECK

[2011-12-01 13:51:49] *** Ray Kurzweil on how technology will transform us.mp4: PIECE 2417 FAILED HASH CHECK

[2011-12-01 13:51:49] *** Ray Kurzweil on how technology will transform us.mp4: PIECE 2418 FAILED HASH CHECK

[2011-12-01 13:51:49] *** Ray Kurzweil on how technology will transform us.mp4: PIECE 2419 FAILED HASH CHECK


[2011-12-01 13:51:50] Ray Kurzweil on how technology will transform us.mp4: HTTP invalid URL: http://video.ted.com/talk/podcast/2005/None/RayKurzweil_2005-480p.mp4


followed by a ban of the video.ted.com:80 TED peer leaving at most a few very slow peers.

Most of the time this seems to happen with the first cache flush in the torrent download, tho I could be mistaken on this point.

Tho it almost always happens very early in the download some times it happens later.

Simply resetting bans is ineffective, as is restarting the torrent. By ineffective I mean that doing it over and over without redownloading the torrent never works.

To get arround it I delete the torrent (and it's data) and reload it in the TED app. It often fails again, but ultimatly I've always gotten it to work.


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