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Some torrents don't seem to work


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Hi there,

Recently, I noticed that some torrents don't seem to work at all, they have 0 seeds.

Only some don't work, others are fine. The strange thing is that they do have seeds showing on the sites I'm getting them. For example: there was a torrent at the Pirate Bay with 300 seeds, I tried to get it, but when i run it on uTorrent I don't get any seeds. I asked my brother, who also uses uTorrent, to get this very same torrent, and he downloaded it just fine.

Any hints? If any information would be useful, please let me know.

Thank you!

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If you are able to download any torrents then uTorrent is working ok. The deal with your brother maybe something else entirely. You do not specifiy whether your brother us using the exact same trackers that are defined in your copy of the torrent or if it is the exact same torrent (multiple users will up-load then seed the same television show - for example - but they are in fact all different torrents). Remember you can add or delete trackers from a torrent. You also need to remember that no matter how many seeders there are, each seeder specifiies how many up-load slots, the up-load speed, etc. they will support; so whether you can connect to a seeder or not there are a lot of things to think about.

The above poster maybe right (about trackers padding their numbers). I do not know exactly how the protocol for scraping works. For example, I have 2000 torrents loaded of which 1800 are completed. It should be obvious that I do not seed all 1800 at the same time. But if I have scraping turned on, does uTorrent report to the trackers that I have a completed torrent, even though I have not started the torrent? I do not know. But if it does then you can see trackers reporting seeders that are not "available" to seed.

What you can do when you see a specific torrent is not downloading; search for another torrent that will provide you with the same data files. Start it, If it actually starts to download, then delete the first one.

What makes me think you should talk more with your brother about this is the fact that he could download it, and assuming he did seed it and he was able to report to the tracker he is available for seeding, you should have been able to connect to him to get your file. (Assuming he has up-load slots available.)

Good luck.

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