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Error: Element Not Found


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Hi Guys,

Sorry I know this has been posted about before but i have been trawling through the forums and can't seem to find an answer that worked (may have missed it though),

All my downloads are getting to 99.8% and then come up with this error.

My files system is NTSF.

I have about 20Gb of disk space.

Both compact_allocation and coalesce_writes are set to false.

Im also downloading Stargate SG1 all 10 seasons. But i am only downloading a season at a time due to disk space. Once downloaded i move to external HDD then set them not to download in the torrent.

I have been using Utorrent for over 2years and have been down to less than 100Mb in disk space before but never had this error or issue.

Doesn't affect all torrents. Some download fine without any trouble.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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Only in the one torrent as its 80gig so i only download about 10 gig at time due to limited space.

I have since downloaded about 30 gig of the torrent skipping files the whole time and only got issue now.

Issue affecting other torrentz that only have single file in them (so no skipping).

Does skipping the files cause this? How do you reccomend i fix?

I really cant un-skip all the 80gig torrent, i just dont have the space on HDD.

I move everything to external.

Thanks for help

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  • 1 month later...

Just wanted to add a Doh answer to this problem also. I received the same "Element Not Found" error and a few minutes later I received an alert that my HD was almost full. So I moved some movies to another drive freeing up space on the HD I download to and guess what...the "Element" error went away. A big Doh to me as I should have known right away what was happening, but thanks to Windows 7 HD monitoring my problem was solved. Oh, another important piece of info, usually uTorrent warns me if the HD is too full, but this time it didn't.

Good luck to all and Happy Torrenting :-)

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