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torrent files status are 100% but afterwhile they are not finished


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Hey Guys .. :)

there is some issue i'm facing and it's turning me nuts !

uttorent is working fine and files go 100 % with facing no problems at all

BUT after some days after the downloading is finished and it's status 100 % , after some days when i open the same torrent file to seed , i find it not 100% :| ...i find it not complete 85% or something !!!!!! then it start resuming it !

what is it ?? :o

are the files get corrupted or damaged or something ???? :S

that happens to my all torrent files even .iso ...then it won't be burn perfectly ...

what's the problem then ? :(

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Hello Mmuse,

Have to tried to stop the torrent seeding as soon as yuou have successfully downloaded the file.

Or Else

You can use alternate programes to it

Like Bittorrent or Limeraza...

Yeah that's what i do .. i stop the torrent the moment it turn 100% .. coz i delay seeding for somedays till other torrents finish downloading .. you think that's the reason ??

should i leave it uploading for sometime before i press Stop ?

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Indexer programs editing your files or a virus.
what does Indexer programs editing files means ?

what are these programs ??

is that got something to do with being on network ??

coz i'm on one and i got some suspicious that he go through my pc coz yesterday i just knew something called " hidden share " or "$" ... and i found all my partitions shared in this way $ ... is it the problem ?

and that hidden share enables him to see my files ?

thanks DreadWingKnight !

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saleMMuse - The way you have phrased your problem makes it seem like you are on a company pc/network. They will have their own policies on how their computers are to be used, backup procedures, etc. Document Indexers are used to aide in research of relevent documents to a given query. Similar to what Goggle, Bing, etc. search engines. Legal offices use them extensively, so do service centers of large corporations who respond to customer assistance. (A given clerk would search corporate on-line documents for information on a specific subject and then respond to the customer with the information.)

If your computer belongs to a domain, then you are out of luck. A domain Administrator can do anything he wants to your PC. If you have Remote Destop Connections enabled, he does not even have to go to your PC to do it. Having a policy where each PC has hidden shares just makes it easier for operators to perform backups - and anything else they want to do to a PC. - Such as moving a new program to target group of PC's, Corporate Document indexers, etc.

You should be careful about using corporate/company computers with uTorrent - or any p2p file transfer. They may have policies against it and I am sure they would not want to handle cease and desist orders from a judge about downloading copyright material.

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