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http error 404


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I am completely naive on the matter I am posting on so i may have things wrong or mixed up.

My tracker status says 'http error 404' but is still downloading at around 20 k/ps. i thought that http error 404 means that the site hosting the tracker cannot be found and so therefore i assumed that the download would stop. can anyone explain what's going on?

thank you to anyone who helps out with this

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when i update tracker, i recieve the same error. tried it a few times and always says 'http error 404' and continues the download. how do i resolve this. i may need step by step due to computer illiteracy.

I don't know how much my internet package can affect speeds but i have sky unlimited which claims to not throttle my speeds so that adds to my confusion. It may be unrelated to the http error 404 problem but i thought i'd mention it as speeds of 20k/ps on an unlimited package seem ridiculous and the whole matter is bringing me down.

thank you for that first reply to DreadWingKnight and thanks to anyone who can further help.

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