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What is up with the 3.1 Crashing every 2 seconds??


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Been having the same issue with Build 26593. It crashes often. Here is a Photobucket Screenshot of what it looks like if I don't get rid of the icons in the lower right by hovering over them. These icons were accumulated over roughly an hour and a half.


Right click and view to see the icons.

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I had the same problem : a crash window appeared every 20 seconds. Carefully followed instructions ie relaunching µtorrent, But anyway, same problem occured again. Found an intuitive solution : ignore the crash window (do not close the window neither choose one proposed option) and let µtorrent continue as well.

Thanks to confirm if it is working for you.

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Sorrry...but my solution does'nt really work.Download seems to continue and download bar confirms progression but in fact it is no recorded on hard disk.Still stucked back on previous dowload level..Not only µtorrent 3.1 does'nt work but it shows wrong informations !! Staff, please give instructions or promptly correct these incredible bugs !

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