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Can't update


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Ever since about 3 updates ago my updater had failed every time. I get the following error:

Unable to start updater process!

Please download the newest version


Even then it simply says I have the current version when I am clearly one or two small versions behind.

How do I get this working flawlessly like the rest of this awesome program?

Currently running Vista 64 bit with uTorrent 3.1 build 26495 [32 bit]

Could that 32bit be an issue?? Never noticed that before!

Mahalo for any help in getting this running smoothly as it used to!

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That build was broken. Download the new 3.1 by hand and install it. You must completely exit µTorrent first (File -> Exit).

I have exited, reinstalled and repeat over 5 times and for some reason it will not upgrade to the new version. I have tried both the regular 3.1 and the beta versions. Can you provide a link to the best possible version please? I have been with you guys since way back in 2005 or 2006 and love your app. Just little things that "bug" me to death that should be working and yet fail to for some reason!

Thanks again!

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If you download the latest version there is nothing to upgrade. Re-installing the old version that is/was broken will not solve the problem. If you want to update to the beta version, you must select "update to beta version" in the Preferences -> General section - AFTER you download and install the latest version manually.

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