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Upload Limit Not working...


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I had the exact same problem yesterday. The cause was DHT (rafi's links helped me figure it out).

In my case, I had been using DHT for a long time but until now I had never seeded a very large number of files. DHT adds upload that disregards all upload limits (including that of the Scheduler which I am also using).

So you want to try disabling DHT, either completely (Options -> Bittorent, uncheck DHT network) or for individual torrents (Properties of the torrent).

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Same problem here. Apply limit at UTP and Overhead on.

It seems that if I set up upload limit very low and download limit very high (up: 10Kb/s, down 1400 Kb/s), the upload limit is ignored (maybe overhead is too high to be under the limit, so it definetly ignore it) uploading at adsl limit (>100).

If I set the upload limit at 70Kbit/s and downloading at 1400Kb/s (equal to download limit), it upload at 20Kb/s (payload) and seems ok (payload+OH seems to be around 70 Kb/s).

please fix.

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  • 1 year later...

I've used utorrent and/or bittorrent for 10 years and now and for some reason, I too have the same EXACT problem! Im no novice when it comes to p2p networking and I've exhausted all possible ways to corner this upload limit bug with no success.

I'm also using windows 7 ulitimate 64bit ( v. 6.1 build 7601 ) sp1

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There is definitely a problem. Though, I think that in 3.3.1 it is visible only at very high download rates (~5-15MB/s+). At low download rates <~2MB/s it seems to behave correctly, but with very slow reaction till the upload is being reduced to the limit.

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