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ETA at files being uploaded is not being calculated


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Hello everyone,

I've been using uTorrent for a long long time by now...

Sometimes I find myself sitting and watching the bars getting filled, or counting down for the torrents reaching their seeding goals.

Today, I've upgraded to the recent stable update (uTorrent 3.1). It looks... nice I suppose, and I probably will get even more familiar with it soon.

But something looks wrong:

On ETA section of every torrent being seeded, infinite time is required to reach the goal...

As far as I know, the seeding goal can be set at Options > Preferences > Queueing > Seeding Goal > Minimum Ratio. It is set to 100% on mine. I have plenty of torrents being seeded below 1.000 ratio and they all need infinite amount of time to reach their goals.

This infinity symbol only used to appear when there is a torrent waiting to be seeded, but being uploaded only with < 0,01 kB/s.

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Ok, maybe I shall sum it up:

- Every torrent being uploaded has an infinity symbol on their ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) section

- My seeding goal is properly set, and the ETA should be available for calculation. I mean, I can calculate it with a calculator...

- This is wrong.

And that ETA was somehow encouraging me to seed torrents. I was always aiming for the 1.000 ratio, and now that the ETA is not being calculated, I feel somewhat dissapointed.

For the sake of torrent ecosystem, that must be fixed. Or people who think like me may gradually stop being a seeder, and just be a leecher.

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  • 1 month later...

I've been delaying the udpate for quite some time and did update a few days ago with 3.1.2.

And I'm having the exact same issue.

It won't give any ETA on any uploading file, whatever the target ratio.

I'm having another problem while I'm at it, which may or not be related:

once a torrent reaches the target ratio, it won't become "finished". It just becomes "queued seed".

Of course, both used to work just fine with the previous versions I had.

Last thing, is there any way to change the progress bars colors?

Come on, who in your team even though that two or three shades of the same green would be any usable to recognize a torrent status at first sight?

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ETA isn't shown unless there's an action once the ratio is met, or unless you change it from the default of 150% (or set a time).

If you haven't turned on "limit the upload rate to" and set it to 0, it won't stop a torrent when it hits the ratio.

Oh God... You are (slightly) awesome!

Although it shouldn't truly be an excuse for uTorrent to show "infinite" as the ETA, when there is no task set for the case a torrent reaches the "goal"; it has fixed it. Still, it is pretty much like a bug. Why should the ETA be "infinite" when there is no upload limit set for the case a torrent reaches the seeding goal?

The "Seeding Goal" setting sets nothing unless "Limit the upload rate to" option has checked... This doesn't make much sense.

I'm ok with this, though. I have set the limit to 10kB/s, and am viewing the glorious ETA for my uploads.

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  • 10 months later...

I have set a seeding goal, but no limitations after reaching it. Usually when I reach the seeding goal, I feel like a "good citizen", and then delete the torrent or backup it.

So for me it is important to know when I will reach the seeding goal, even if I have not indicated to the program that I will take measures.

In short, please always show the ETA for the seeding goal.

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I fully agree with tokm-nikita. A goal is still a goal, even if there is no actions to be done when reached.

And like I have said before, right now, if you don't enable the limiting action, the Seeding Goal section on the preferences panel doesn't do anything.


Regarding the picture above; currently the blue area has no function, if you do not enable the option in green box.

In my opinion, it shouldn't be like this. Regardless if there is anything set or not in the green box, ETA should be calculated according to the set goal in the blue box.

The only thing that green box should affect is the thing that it implies: whether to limit/stop the upload or not.

One more thing: It wasn't like this on previous versions, versions that are older than this thread. It was like the way I am expecting it to be, like the way I explained above.

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