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"Sign Up" for WebUI beta testing


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Count me in... (if there are still positions)

I got 3 places where I used to download/seed torrents. And something like this will save me big time. uTorrrent is running on Win2k3 boxes. Im a java/C#/DHTML programmer, and if I find a bug I might be able to help debug a bit more. uTorrent is a GREAT program, love that it uses low resources (switched from azureus).

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I`d like to enter the WebUi Beta Testing. µtorrent is running all the time on my Computer.

I have much time to test the UI from other Location. And test it with Firefox, Opera or IE.

I also was Beta tester for a Game (UTX the Mutliplayer part for Unreal 2).

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Hello, I have a complicated system with a network bridge, to allow everyone access to utorrent on my network would stop them stealing my upload bandwidth and throttling each other!! I would also like to make sure my stuffs all there while im at work or on my PDA wooo!

Oh, i also tested a good number of betas in the past, and do free work for a MMORPG. I use a mixture of ie 6 ie 7 and firefox due to different PCs and locations. I also work in the computing industry analysing problems.

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if it was released 1-2 days earlier i would have been able to test it as it should (remotely).. i'm not at home right now and i can't persist as i can't install it from here :) in a couple of days i'd be able to persist so count me in (i guess Tuesday, Wednesday) :P

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I run uTorrent on my home computer which is also used by others. I find it frustrating when I return home from work in the evening to often find torrents that I set downloading have been stopped or paused. I'm hoping when the WebUI comes out that I can monitor the torrents from work and re-activate them if and when they are stopped. I would appreciate being included as a BETA tester as it is in my best interests to make sure it works in my kind of environment (as selfish as it may seem). All I can really offer is to test whether it works efficiently over a corporate company's firewall and within different browsers.

The home computer runs on XP Home (German) and the company computer runs XP Pro (also German).



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since i now assume i wont be allowed to beta test it, how long do you think it will be till it goes public?

i could really use this software since my uni blocks remote desktop and vnc ports, it would be nice to be able to monitor my torrents from school. please let me beta test, i am currently beta testing windows vista, longhorn server, windows live messenger (not just invited) and microsoft onecare

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I would love to be a beta tester

I work fairly restrictive hours and do most of my torrenting after the swarm has picked up and as such, it takes me a lot longer to seed back 1:1

It would be great if I could manage torrents via http

I would be testing on Windows NT4, 2000 and XP using a mix of ie 5/6 and firefox 1.5

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I would like to test it too, because then i wont need VNC anymore to control µtorrent on a XP machine without monitor, keyboard and mouse.

Used to use mlDonkey for that reason (with Webinterface and Sancho-GUI) on a Linux machine but its BT-implementation is outdated :(

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I would really consider it an honor to be a beta tester for this version of my only client. It is frustrating as hell to find out that all my dls and uploads have been stopped by someone else using my pc. I would love the ability to test this feature to access the interface from my work (behind corp firewall) and also access using my pda phone. This is a great idea and i would love to run it through its paces.Thanks.

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I'll be more then happy to test it:)

I've got some experience in webui's, cause recently i've wrote one for ABC in Delphi. But ABC is rather unstable with its remote protocol...sometimes it can send you wrong strings..some time it can even not to react on your requestes...and so on...

So i'd like to see and test how is everything represented in µTorrent 's webui:)

p.s. If you want to get my ABC remote soft, let me know:))))

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I'm currently using WinVNC to control uTorrent.

My µTorrent is running on a WinPE system 24 hours a day, 7 seven day the week.

For controlling via WebInterface I would use various versions of Firefox and IE, as I'm working on many different computers the whole day.

btw.: im behind a router...

So, I'm signing up... :D

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Sign me up, please.

My reasons:

* Going to be testing on my remote server in my apartment on the other side of the country

* I'm deeply dissapointed in the Azureus WebUI

* I've been the primer requester of 10 or so features that ended up in uTorrent

* I have no life

EDIT: I use Windows XP SP2 and browse with Firefox, Maxthon & IE.

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