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Advanced Preferences: "gui.graph_tcp_rate_control"


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I was poking around the preferences and noticed the gui.graph_tcp_rate_control value in the advanced area. Setting the value to True revealed 4 additional lines on the Upload & Download graph in the Speed tab of the Detailed Info Pane: "TCP upload rate limit", "TCP upload rate", "TCP download rate limit", and "TCP download rate".

Would anyone be so kind as to explain, to someone not terribly network inclined, what these lines mean? The help file, Google, and a quick search of the forum did not yield any answers. I'm not seeking to tweak anything, I'm just want to get a better idea of how all this works.

At first glance, I'm not able to see any relationship between "TCP the upload rate limit" and "TCP upload rate" lines. Sometimes they seem correlated but still cross one another frequently, other times they seem to have no correlation whatsoever (independent of resolution). I don't see a "TCP download rate limit" line at all meaning it either tracks with another line or is zero, and the "TCP download rate line" seems to track just under the gerneral "download rate (incl. overhead)" line.

Thanks in advance.

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