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Label Rename Feature Revisited


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Ok, I only found this feature request dated back around 2006 (a lifetime in the computer and software industry), so I have to revisit this request as I came across issues with accidentally naming my labels wrong (by my own assessment).

While yes, there is the ability to

1. Right click a label,

2. Click or hover over Labels and

3. Create a new label, because of the fact that uTorrent now allows multiple labels (which I do like), you then have to:

4. Right click again on the label you wish to get rid of, and

5. Click labels, and then finally

6. Click on the check mark next to the old label to clear it.

The feature that would be nicest would be to have it the same as renaming folders in Windows, by

1. Clicking on the label and

2. Pressing F2 or right clicking on the name and select rename, however, this is probably not feasible at this point and time. So the other way that I think or hope could be done would be

1. Right Click on Label,

2. Click or hover over Labels, and

3. Click a 'Rename Label', which would automatically just rename the current label instead of creating a new label and then removing the old label.

Now I am sure there are some thinking 'How many people have to rename a label? Well, I have no idea, however, I am one of them that occasionally needs to, or just wants to give it a more descriptive name. Labels when used for your appending to file name feature is basically the same as being a folder, (maybe not exactly but I hope you get the point), and even before Windows ever existed, DOS saw the need to have a feature for renaming folders (called directories then) so I am wishful that hopefully uTorrent can add this feature in the future.

I have no idea if other Torrent Clients have this feature already, as I have always been and most likely always will be only a uTorrent user.

Thanks ahead of time. :)

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