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Web seed don't work if web URL have character '%'


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Web seed don't work if web URL have character '%'

This is because uTorent (before download) urlencode character '%' as '%25'. This is error.

Error in utorent 3.1 bulid 26550 [32bit]

Example torrent:


example web seed:


Utorent tray download '%2573eed.txt' not '%73eed.txt'. This is another file and webserver have error '404 file don't fund'.

In utorent log is good file before urlencode:

[2012-01-21 09:44:09]  B0rked reason: invalid http response code (404): Not Found (http://ds6.ovh.org/%73eed.txt). 

But using sniffer utorrent download http://ds6.ovh.org/%2573eed.txt

Utorent also encode '?' charcter. This is error because '?' is special character.

Please disable urlencode for web seeds.(or disable urencode for '%' and '?')

This same error:


(Utorent first encode UTF8 characters using '%', next encode character '%')

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