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download questions


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Do you use utorrent or Vuse? Either way all you do is type in the name of the song or artist in the search box, I usually type the word "torrent" after whatever I put in the search box. Im pretty sure that makes a big difference.

Then it will open your web browser with a list of different sites (they'll all basically say the same thing, it will have whatever you typed in the search box). Then you just have to find one that will download the song. Usually if the page says "download" in big letters it will work. Some suck and take you to another page & ask you to register first. I never use those. You'll find the song you want eventually.Then you'll click on the download button and the torrent will start downloading in utorrent or whatever program you use.

Sometimes they will download really fast and sometimes really slow. Hope that helped and make sense lol.

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