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Download location dialog missing


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Latest stable uTorrent. (

I decided to do a clean "install" with a blank settings.dat in the same folder for portability.

Now, when I download a torrent (or a magnet) I never get asked for download location. Instead, files get saved to the default C:\User...\Downloads.

I skimmed through the settings and couldn't find an option to change this. Am I missing something obvious or is there no such setting?

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Yes, that was it. Thanks.

But I must say this is not intuitive at all. A setting in the preferences should handle this functionality. Specifically, a setting under "Directories", with a checkbox like "Always ask for location of downloaded files" or something like that. And it should work regardless of the "Toggle Torrent View" setting.

Just my 0.02

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Hey folks. I have the same problem as Ermi. All of a sudden i cant choose where to put my downloads. What is that "Toggle Torrent View"? Ive found a button to the top right corner that sais that, but that only changes the view of the list, nothing more.. It still autostarts the download to "C:\Users\Desktop\Downloads\"

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