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Speed problems after Update


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Hello all.

Today (Jan 25, 2012) I updated to the most recent version of uTorrent. Yesterday I was downloading at a speed of 500kbs, and right now it is listed at 8.9kbs, fluctuating even lower. I did absolutely nothing other than install the newest version. I'm running Windows Vista. I tried to follow instructions on this website but they did not help my cause: http://bootstrike.com/Articles/BitTorrentGuide/

Any info would be extremely appreciated. Thanks!

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Thanks for the quick response.

I went through the initial "100% Setup Guide", and the step for Checking DHCP on the router is where I hit a snag. I cannot access my router as per normal, I'm redirected to a similar router website by my ISP. After a few moments trying to do what the guide told me, I COMPLETELY lost all internet connection, and have just spent the past 15 minutes trying to get online again. Any other suggestions?

As I said before, all I did was update the uTorrent software, nothing else.

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I don't recall ever having to make steadfast exceptions before, but after checking all the ways that I could, there appears to be no interference and the torrent is now running at 8kB/s. I'm honestly flabbergasted here. Should I try uninstalling and reinstalling Avast, then uninstalling and reinstalling uTorrent?

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Well, after the unistalls and reinstalls the problem persists. I started the torrent, it picked up to a speed of 570.4kB/s, and remained there for 21 seconds before drastically falling down to where it is now, at 10.3kB/s.

Thanks for your patience and support, but I really have no other idea what to do.

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