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Two utorrent.exe running when mixing command line and shortcut exec...


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Atom+ION @ Windows7

Utorrent 3.0


I have two utorrent.exe running.


uTorrent.exe 3980 Console 1 833 772 K

uTorrent.exe 9656 Services 0 74 128 K

Problem description:

If I kill both utorrent.exe processes:

>taskkill /f /im utorrent.exe

SUCCESS: The process "uTorrent.exe" with PID 3980 has been terminated.

SUCCESS: The process "uTorrent.exe" with PID 9656 has been terminated.

And start Utorrent from utorrent regular shortcut. I'll get:

uTorrent.exe 10700 Console 1 33 112 K

I also have flexget (http://flexget.com/) running on Scheduled Tasks. Flexget will command utorrent as follows:



for_accepted: C:\temporary\dirt\uTorrent.exe /DIRECTORY "%(path)s" "%(output)s"

(the location of utorrent.exe is the same as in the windows shorcut icon)

So it will use /DIRECTORY argument to add .torrent file and save it to certain path.

After this is executed, I've got same kind of tasklist as presented at the beginning of this post. So I'll have two separate utorrent.exe running, the first one (started from shortcut) is visible and I can control it as utorrent is usually controlled, but the second one is somewhere hidden, I don't have clue what it's doing other than downloading the files as flexget commands. Torrents added by flexget won't show at utorrent started wrong shortcut.

So the question is, is it possible to update already running utorrent.exe when adding torrents from command line. I've checked the command line options from utorrent help file, but I didn't find anything that could relate to this problem.

Thanks for your help!¨


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I'm not intentionally running the utorrent as a service. When Task Scheduler starts flexget which executes "c:\...\utorrent.exe /DIRECTROTY torrent path", utorrent.exe is started as service. I don't want to start it as a service. I would like flexget execution to start utorrent as "Console" program (since I'm running utorrent at desktop in Console mode. If utorrent.exe executed by flexget would start as a Console instead of as a service, torrents would appear at already in Console mode running utorrent.exe)...

Just to be clear here's how it all happens in a timeline:

- Boot up PC

- Start up utorrent.exe

-> This is shown as Console app at Tasklist

-> I can play/stop/pause/add torrents from GUI

- n minutes go by and Task Scheduler timer expires

-> flexget executes c:\...\utorrent.exe <torrent> <path>

-> <torrent> is not shown at the Console mode utorrent (GUI)

-> Instread, there's second utorrent.exe shown at Tasklist as a "Service"

What I'm trying to say is that I would like to get rid of utorrent.exe running as a service :)

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