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A few classic-like design options suggestion


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So, after reading a lot of hate-threads (and even participating in some of them some time ago), let's go a bit constructive and see what looks strange after all that time.

Screenshot in question:


And my suggestions to related issues:

1) If "#" column isn't the leftmost, it's lack of striped background looks strange. Same to DL status icons, by the way. It won't hurt to have an option to make their bg striped, or just see if they're leftmost or not and enable striping based on that.

2) Line height. In many cases vertical space matters, and though even google decided to make some "space" in their table interfaces, it won't hurt to have an option to return height as it was. Some people find it more preferable.

3) Centered text in Status column. Well, ok, it may look nice, if Status and Done are combined, but it becomes difficult to look through when they're detached. So, either align it by left when detached (as in 2.x), or an option to align it to the left

4) Personally I liked stars in "#" column for seeding torrents. It'd be great if I can have them back.

In hope you'll continue to leave ways to have our classic-like UI back, silver.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today uTorrent crashed on my PC and after I restartet uTorrent I suddenly was updated to

I definitely did not agree to that as I always closed the update nag screen and intended to stay at 2.*

Nevertheless here I am...


As far as I noticed only the column which is sorted appears darker. In your case the # column. Try to sort by another column and it will appear dark. I also noticed that sometimes the arrows that indicate a sorted column do not appear after a restart.

Here are my changes so that it looks like this:


Uncheck the following things in Options ->

- Show Featured Content

- Show Devices

- Show Plus Information

Goto Options -> Preferences -> UI Settings -> Change the following parameters:

- Alternate List Background Color -> False

Goto Options -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Change the following parameters:

- gui.color_progress_bars -> true

- gui.combine_listview_status_done -> false (now you have 2 columns with the status and the %)

- gui.show_devices -> false

- gui.show_plus_upsell -> false

- gui.show_status_icon_in_dl_list -> true (this enables the graphic icons in front of the list)

I noticed that especially with the gui.combine_listview_status_done you sometimes need to restart uTorrent to see the colors.

You can also change the progress bar to a "piece bar" with the following settings:


- gui.combine_listview_status_done -> false (now you have 2 columns with the status and the %)

- gui.piecebar_progress -> true

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2) Line height. In many cases vertical space matters, and though even google decided to make some "space" in their table interfaces, it won't hurt to have an option to return height as it was. Some people find it more preferable.
I completely agree with that and, actually, this is my ;major complaint about the the new GUI in v.3.

In v3 each row in the list of torrents panel almost 1.5 higher (perhaps due to unnecessary new fancy graph), than rows in v2. Which means, that now I can see less torrents at a time. It's very important to me, because I'm running uTorrent on a netbook (1024x600) with very limited vertical space... I guess when developer runs his test and uses just a couple of torrents, he doesn't see it as a problem. But when I run uTorrent with hundreds of torrents in the list - it definitely is...

Please return the height of the rows in the list of torrents to what we had in v2.

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  • 4 weeks later...
You probably need to set gui.combine_listview_status_done to false in advanced settings. I didn't understand the "bars" part though.

And it's getting offtopic

Thank you. I was just about to make a post on how to get the Done column back. I hate how it was combined.

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