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Speed swings (only DL)


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I am experiencing a lot of speed swings in the download speed.

I used a configuration that worked for me a while back and since I changed laptop and installed again my download speed was very low ( although the upload speed was normal ).

Now I looked up some tips to improve utorrent speed and made some changes in the configuration that made my speed increase a lot! the downside is it peaks but doesn't stay there.

Before any of this I had a download speed of 2-3mb/s stable.

When I switched laptops, I had a download speed of 500kbp/s.

After the tweaking of the settings, I have a dowload speed of 2-3mb/s but only stays there for about 5 seconds then drops to 100kb/s in a never ending cycle. ( The download speed graphic proves exactly that ).

- Is there any way to keep the download speed in the 2-3mb/s?

Thanks in advance,

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