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Why was this topic closed??


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I'm asking what i believe to be a reasonable question. I haven't heard any reasoning whatsoever.

Is this something we don't talk about? Like... don't mention the birthmark on Aunt Audrey's face?

If there's a good reason for this, why can't someone explain it?

This morning, I started seeding a 600MB video. For the first ten minutes or so, 580Kb of my 650Kb of bandwidth went to ONE peer. Once he completed, the number of seeds incremented by one briefly, then he dropped out. Meanwhile, several dozen other peers are waiting. Not too long after that, the same thing happened with someone else. It would make FAR more sense if the seeding were done a little more equitably, rather than a few high speed leeches grabbing everything during the first hour of seeding.

I could limit my upload speed to something very low, or stop seeding when the high speed guy hits 90%, but that seems a little childish.

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