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DHT Disabled and won't enable


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The Enable DHT Network and Enable DHT for New Torrents are both checked in Preferences/Bit Torrent, but in the status bar it says DHT: Disabled. Right click on DHT: Disabled in the status bar brings up the option to Enable or Disable DHT, but even if Enable is checked, DHT remains disabled.

How does one enable DHT?

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As I said in my original post, the status bar says DHT: Disabled. Right clicking on this status bar message brings up a menu with two items: Enable Scheduler and Enable DHT. Both are ticked. So one message is saying DHT is enabled and the other is saying it is disabled!

I have tried unticking Enable DHT on this pop-up menu and then ticking again, but makes no difference.

DHT is definitely enabled in the Preferences/BitTorrent options.

I can load magnet links, so it would appear as if DHT is working and it is the status bar message that is at fault.

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Many thanks, that worked! Lost a few of the display settings, but easy to re-instate those.

The status field now says DHT: 266 nodes, but all torrents still working the same as always so I suspect this was a display issue and DHT was in fact enabled all the time.

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Don't forget that once you get DHT back to normal (happened to me also), some torrents will still appear as disabled. Why?

Look at the torrents properties (rt clk the file, at the bottom is properties). In the properties window just find 'Other Settings' at the bottom. Below this you'll see 4 on/off settings (check boxes), the most common is the Initial Seeding box to be not checked and the other 3 are.

In most torrents these could be changed, but there's others where there's only 1 box you can check, 'Initial Seeding', the other 3 are grey'd out (not available).

For future reference, one doesn't have to remove all the *.dat and *.dat.old files. Just dht and dht_feed, both old and dat, 4 total.

But no matter if delete all or just dht related, backup or preserve your 'setting.dat' file.

The only thing I can't figure is how the dht files got corrupted to begin with when no settings were touched or changed.

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I'm too having the same problem with uTorrent saying that DHT is disabled and all my torrents on the list are all grey....

to start any torrent to download it says it's in a queue and the only way to start the torrent is to force it to download which works.

Does know how to get DHT to go back to "Enabled"?

I haven't messed with no settings, all i did was look at my "bandwidth" setting and added a few more numbers to the upload. Could that have made DHT to be "Disabled"??

Hope someone can help me with this little issue i have.


NOTE: IrishHare, you mentioned the following:

Thanks, got it! I had 'Disable DHT when turning off' checked. A rather hidden option, but silly of me to have missed it.

Where is that setting that you mentioned above... maybe that's what happened to me without realising.


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There are 4 different places where DHT can be enabled or disabled:

1. Preferences/Connection

2. Preferences/Scheduler

3. Properties of an individual torrent (right click to access)

4. In the status bar

Well i checked it thoroughly and i saw the problem...

2. Preferences/Scheduler

Under the Scheduler Settings there was a box ticked "Disable DHT when turned off" which was ticked.

Once un-ticked it went back to normal, i'm able to pick up in DHT 298 nodes... great stuff!!

Cant believe i'd missed that, unbelievable!

Once again thanks for your help.


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If you guys have set up and enabled the sheuduler then the DHT being disabled isn't really a problem as it should re-enable itself according to your shedule. If you're not using the sheduler though, then the 'Disable DHT when turning off' shouldn't do anything, and this is a bug.

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  • 4 months later...

Thank you so much. I have used uTorrent for 2 years now with no problem. AT&T, my service provider, came out and put in a new line for UVerse and I have not been able to download anything for 2 weeks until now. I was reading this post, followed the suggestions and now uTorrent is downloading.

For several days I have been searching the forums and google for many hours, not knowing hardly what anyone was talking about and trying many different things. You helped the most.

Appreciate your help. Thank you.

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