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RSS Downloader filter question


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Hello everyone,

I have found a great tutorial for the RSS downloader and how to use it but there is one thing I cannot find. I currently want to get a show, however the tracker site that has it has several different types. I can filter out most of the one I don't want with this not filter line:


My current filter is

*Show Name*

This gets all the shows not filter out by the not filter, however now I would like to include the term 720 into the filter in so I can distinguish between the below and I want to download just the 720 version.

Show Name S02E08 720p HDTV x264

Show Name S02E08 HDTV x264

With my current setup I get both shows with my filter.

If I change my filter to

*Show Name*|*720*

Will this get just the 720 show or will it pick up ANY show that has 720 in the title and thus I will get a lot of shows that I don't want. I though that the | symbol is like an or not like an and term.

Thanks in advance


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