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Mouse Cursor jumps ahead when µTorrent is running


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I'm on an iMac from 2010, running 10.6.8. Only memory resident program is Little Snitch outgoing firewall, and running µTorrent is enough to cause the mouse cursor to stutter and jump around when moving the mouse. This has been happening for months. I'm on 1.5.14 - This wasn't a problem 6 months ago...

It doesn't always occur; it usually is a problem for 10-60 seconds when it does occur. It probably occurs a few times an hour on average.

I have global connections set to 200, have ~1,000 torrents loaded, not all started. Monitoring network, hard disk, and CPU usage shows no spike or elevated utilization or anything when the mouse is jumping around. Even if there are no active transfers in µTorrent, the cursor problem still happens. Have used a couple products to scan for malware, manually checked for known Mac malware, and come up clean.

The symptom only occurs and has always only occurred while µTorrent is running. Any ideas?

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It also happens on my MacBook Pro when I run µTorrent.

I've tried many different USB and bluetooth mice and they all exhibit the same cursor problems. There are no other devices or software besides Little Snitch to complicate the picture.

Is anyone else having this problem with their mouse cursor jumping around when µTorrent is running?

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  • 2 months later...

I'm having this problem on my MacBook Pro as well. Have you found a way to fix it? I tried re-installing, but that didn't work. It's almost unusable the jumping is so bad. I have to quickly click out of the window and force quit because it continuously jumps to the center of the screen.

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Interesting. Little Snitch is already set to "Allow Any Connection" for uTorrent, and Network Monitor is off.

Is Little Snitch slowing the mouse cursor updates or is it uTorrent due to Little Snitch slowing packets? It baffles me why the mouse cursor would fall victim.

Thanks for the response.

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