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How do I remove a label from the list of labels (not from a torrent)


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Hello everyone,

I read the help file, did a Google search and did the general, click everything I could in utorrent to figure this out, but am stuck. I want to change my label structure and want to get rid of a lot of labels that I use to use. I don't want them to show up when I am assigning labels to torrents. Can they be delete or once you create a label is it forever present to use in utorrent?



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Thanks for the help.

So for those who have this problem in the future for utorrent 3.1.2 go to

Preferences>Advanced>UI Extras

There is a line called Persistent Labels and here if you remove them they seem to be gone forever.

If this isn't the case please someone post back.



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I do not know how to explain it, but Utorret shows that I have 100 files in torrent (include labels), despite the fact that I have hardly 50! does that 50 torrents even exist? and how to delete them?

consequently can not delete a labels, because the in the labels has let 10 torrent files that I can not see!

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