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utorrent won`t download,something wrong with bandwidth


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The first time I used utorrent I had to fiddle with it to work but when I tried it again it didn`t work any more.Then I tested bandwidth and network but only network worked and bandwidth didn`t,it said "Connection failed error:Timed out.10060",some times it says a different number.Also at the far below right corner it has a orange esclamation mark or nothing is there.I have gone on the internet and looked on Google and other websites to help me but nothing helps me .CAN ANYONE HELP ME:):(:(

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Also DHT say it waiting to log in or it says 0 nodes (login) and on "Trackers" udp://tracker.ccc.de:80 and the other three trackers below it always always says Connection time with how much time is left but when the time is finished it starts the time all over again.I will say what I said before,the bandwidth when I "Run tests" alway usually says "Connection failed error:Timed out (10060)".OH! by the way I live in South Africa but there is no connection in the southern hemisphere apart from "Sydney,Australia".Did this help in explaning my problem.

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