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Magnet link issue


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Nothing happens when I click a magnet link. I know what happened was I got a popup the first time I clicked one just out of curiousity and it asked to interact with utorrent and I just said no/never ask again. Ever since TPB got rid of the download links and left us with nothing but the magnet I now have to copy the magnet link url and put it into utorrent through "add url"...I'd like to save myself the few clicks and get another chance at the pop up prompt. Anyone have a solution?

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Thank you, I am on Chrome and that linked worked well. Now that I have the magnet functioning I'd also been meaning to ask, when it's a multiple file torrent and you don't want all the files, is there a way to pick individually like you could with the downloaded torrent files? Here's an example of what it looks like when I click a magnet for a multiple file 50GB torrent http://gyazo.com/5a718b2b0d40a1b4d85e03aba4defe2a

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