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UPnP versus PPPoE


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UPnP doesn't work in a lot of cases because the implementations vary from vendor to vendor (this has been said many times on the forums already ;P).

So what? How do you know it's not just rumors or intentionally falsified information spread by individuals working for corporations that are not interested in development of UPnP technology (or any other technology or protocol) ??

I know 99.99% of people just repeat what other people say, which in turn repeat others and so on and on forever...

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"So what? How do you know it's not just rumors[...]"

Because WE have at least understand what this stuff is in fact!!

And we can read technical specifications and genuine information from the companies that are indeed involved in the UPnP depelopment things. and we have the "D:Lebenserfahrung" (experience?) with this not very reliable technologie.

Maybe YOU should do this (Reading!) also!! So that you do not, as an example, keep insisting to keeping things compared, tied together that are not comparable/together tiedable. submarine versus space rocket UPnP versus PPPoE

Read the many links given to you in the thread.

And if you want to inform yourself about the "Rumors" try the site of the UPnP guys: http://www.upnp.org/



Slish i take it totally easy :-) no offence was ment!

I was not shure if experience is the right translation for the word i want to use so i used the original with the "D:" hint. Have done that quite a few times now.

No attack towards you in any way! :-)

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