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Questions:why cache size limit? limited dl speeds? and torrent users?


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after trying speed guide this message appears: Error! Port 55012 does not appear to be open.

it doesnt matter which port I use. Admin of proxy server I am using says that all ports are opened from 24.00 till 8.00.And he claims that I have DL so low because my connection is half duplex and i have no static IP adress assigned.That's why some people using torrent client are not able to download from me.But it's very frustrating as when i click on peers I see guy is downloading from me 130kB and it's giving me 1kB...

upload limit :1700 kB upload Slots:4

connections(per torrent) :50 connections (Global) :200

max active torrent:8 max active downloads:8

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Hm...? Forwarding a port only means the incoming connections on that port will be forwarded to you. If it's not forwarded to anyone, it can't be used in the first place by anyone either, so I'm not seeing how it would affect anyone. Additionally, when forwarding ports, you're supposed to be selecting a port that is not used by any other application/person.

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Ultima,there are thousands games using each different port.Imagine that admin will forward port to me which is used by game xxxx it will affect other users using this game on this proxy...

Switeck you are absolutely right... fucking wireless connection

I think there's nothing I could do to increase speed more.Depressing.

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If it was never forwarded, it won't make any difference as no user could've been using that port for incoming connections in the first place -- incoming connections on that port were never forwarded to anyone.

If thousands of people running a game could *theoretically* be affected by a simple port forwarding, then they should be getting affected by even having more than one instance of that game running anyway, but alas, they're not, so a simple port forwarding shouldn't affect anyone else besides you, in that you'll have a port clear for listening on.

If a game randomly picks a port for outgoing connections, and you happen to be using that port for BitTorrenting, it'd be the same as if you were using that port for gaming anyway. Really, forwarding a port doesn't make a difference to anyone else besides yourself. It doesn't make any sort of reservation so that you're the only person who is allowed to use that port. It only tells the router to forward any incoming connections over that port to your computer specifically.

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