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v0.102 Findings...


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While the bugtracker doesn't accept reports for v0.102, I'll just post here for now.

[XPSP2: FF1.5.0.2, IE6.0SP2, O9.0.8367]

- Pressing F7 doesn't shrink the sidebar, and the space to the left remains

- Can't change settings (set_settings not defined in FF, object expected in IE). There's no error in Opera, but the settings don't actually change (despite the fact that it looks like it did when you go back to the settings)

- ETA calculation is odd, like... it wrote 2 days, 63 hours while µTorrent wrote something like 2 days 21 hours... firstly, the discrepancy is odd, and secondly, shouldn't it be split into 4 days, 15 hours if it had that many hours?

- Resizing the window wide enough will actually cause the torrent list to get farther from the left categories pane, not just get wider. The problem is more pronounced with IE, with the torrent list actually overlapping the categories pane when you make the window narrow enough

- Status column doesn't appear to be getting updated properly. When I click stop in IE, it says Downloading while it's actually stopped. When I press start in FF and O, it just writes Queued. Stopping in the client itself doesn't update the status in IE

[XPSP2: IE6.0SP2] [OSX10.4.6: SF2.0.3(417.9.2)]

- Still no scrollbars (be it horizontal or vertical)

- Container for list of torrents and categories doesn't resize

[XPSP2: IE6.0SP2]

- Looks like the name column wraps, image on first line, name of torrent on second

- "Appearance" doesn't actually... appear... when you select it in the settings dialog (it basically disappears, no gray background, no text, just white where it should be)

[OSX10.4.6: SF2.0.3(417.9.2)]

- Search popup menu shows up behind torrent list

- Torrent list not aligned directly below toolbar, but is probably 40-50 pixels below (estimation)

- Sorting a column makes the entire background of that column header get tiled with the arrow image

- The only shortcuts that work are F4 and F7 (which exhibits the same symptom of not hiding the empty space to the left, like in the other browsers)... looks like Safari's JavaScript doesn't recognize Ctrl (which sorta makes sense, since it's a Mac)

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Just came form testing it, and it looks like a lot of regressions. All tested in Firefox

- Changes in priority for files are not updated on WebUI (but on GUI)

- I can't resize columns (known, I know!)

- The divider between categories and download list is big and ugly

- I have random errors when opening file details

- I can't pause, stop or start a file by context menu ("bla bla is not defined. Linenumber: 1")

- After giving ok to preferences window an error rises ("set_settings is not defined. Linenumber: 1"), and changes are not saved (as reported before)

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Indeed, it was a total rewrite, so there's bound to be regressions. If you take into account the fact that it's running much more nicely on more browsers than before, I'd say it's definitely a great improvement.

Can you provide more information about those random errors when opening file details?

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Yeah I reported that in IRC yesterday... It happened because Directrix was working on secondary sorting. He fixed the stopping that morning, and got the secondary sorting working yesterday evening after my futile attempts at helping him and keeping the solution he eventually came up with to myself =P

(I'm speaking from the Eastern time zone, so morning and night are just relative time measurements)

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