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Blue Screen (BSOD)


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Hello utorrent Staff, I am having trouble with your program lately ever since new versions arrive but the program was OK in 2011 no faults at all. Whenever I turn on the program and reset my router or modem or both I get BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) and made my OS (Windows XP) dump physical memory in listed as IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL or anything related to net or memory and when I turn it off and do the routine no BSOD what so ever but sometimes it goes BSOD when I use too much RAM or CPU usage. So please, solve this problem. Thank you.

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Can't solve a problem that doesn't have a root cause in the program.

BSODs are caused by kernel level drivers, not user level programs.

just support please don't speak gibberish if you don't understand the question and did I say the ROOT I only say the trigger of the problem not the ROOT.:/

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