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Download Speed around 20KB/s!!!


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I'm Using Utorrent for about 3years i guess, and everything was Fine, I didn't have to set anything, just using the speed Guid and I had the Download speed around 200KB/s, but it's about 2weeks or more that i can't get the Download Speed Higher than 40KB/s, I've Tried everything, read "IF YOU HAVE SPEED ISSUES READ HERE FIRST" and done all the thing in it, And Didn't Work!!! I know my ISP is not throttle/interfering at all, I'm Downloading this file with the Full Health, 8(30)seeds and 5(40)Peers, And the Download Speed Is around 5-6KB/s, funny thing is if i set Uplaod at "Unlimited" The upspeed goes to 110KB/s!!!! I can Download with IDM Around 300KB/s, I just Don't know what to do?!!! Tried Anything, Uninstalled Utorrent and Installed it again, reset My Router, Actually i did installed win7 64x again, tried other torrent Clients, exact same problem!!!


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I tried to download Slackware Linux, Full Health! 16(252) Seeds, something alike in Peers, and the dOwnspeed was from 0 to 5KB/s, And I'm using the latest Beta version 3.2, must mention that i tried any other version like 3.1.3 etc. all with the same resault!

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80(206) Seeds DownSpeed Max "30-40KB/s"

In Preferences/General There's An "Install IPv6/Teredo" When I Click it, It Goes Grey, but the minute i Close the Preference And Open it Again, It's Activated Again!!! Is there Somthing Wrong With It!!!

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Enable uTP. IPv6 has nothing to do with your issue. You download at speeds that other users are wiling to upload to you which can be lower than your max download. That is why I think that your download is low.

Provide the info that the guide is asking so the admins can help you if they have something to add.

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Well! I Spend A Whole Day, Staring At the DownSpeed Like A Lunatic!!! and Infact It will Go Up Around 185-190 KB/s For a Minute or two or Maybe More but mainly it's around 20-30KB/s,So I can Only Guess that Maybe My Seeders Are Not that Generous as they Use To BE Or I Have Problem Connecting To them whatsoever Considering that Nothing i do seems to Make it better even makes it Worth, I just have to forget everything and try to be Really Patient!!!

And thanks Guys For Taking your Time I'm Really Appreciated ;)

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I'm having exactly the same problem. I'm in the UK with o2 (be un limited ISP) and a 5Mb line. for the last few days d/l speed in uTorrent has dropped to 20-40kbs - the max I usually get is up to 600kbs. My u/l speed is 1-10kbs whereas it's usually about 110kbs. Have tried downloading torrents from different trackers but same thing happens. Originally I was on uTorrent 1.8 (because it ran ok for me), but even after upgrading to 3.1.3 it makes no difference. OS is Win XP.

I rang up my ISP to see if any issues and they said not, also they don't put restrictions on P2P traffic & I ran a test on Glasnost which seemed to confirm this. I've tried disabling AV (Anti-Vira) + Firewall (Zonealarm), as well as running Spybot & Malawarebytes but makes no difference.

If I try a direct d/l from a file share site eg. Deposit Files etc then my d/l speed is abot 550kbs, which is normal for me. I'm only getting this problem in torrent clients - I tried using Vuze as well and same issues - so I'm 99% certain this probably isn't a uTorrent problem - just don't know could be causing it or what to try next. Any help / suggestionswould be much appreciated.


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Well Now I'm Officially pissed Off!!!

I just Found Out that If I Use VPN, Download Speed Goes Up to 130-140KB/s and without It, 20-30Kb/s!!!

Sure it's not the max Speed I used to get but damn I'm Really Confused!!! I definitely ran the Glasnost Test And it said no interfering From the ISP, What's Wrong?!!!

If we Assume that my ISP Is Interfering with p2p then I shouldn't be Able to Contact Seeders or Peers At All!!! (That's What I Think) then why can i Upload Upto 112Kb/s without VPN?!!!

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There Is Minor difference, About 5-10Kb/s which i think is Normal, but as Smurph said There's Nothing Wrong With Utorrent, Cause I've Tried Other Clients Like Vuze, Tixati, Etc. All had the same DownLoad Speed. "Smurph" Could You Use Vpn, and See If it makes the Download Speed Better Or Not?!!! And I suggest Just Run the Speed Guide And Save, And Do not Try Disabling Or Enabling anything, That Won't Help!

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I am on the same boat. but, I know for a fact my ISP, Singtel, is throttling the connection because every morning at around 1am, the download would go full speed. Even they acknowledge this.

BUT, Vuze never have problem with this, it goes on full speed whatever time of the day it is. So i've always wondered what the difference between Vuze and uTorrent is? Does Vuze have some kind of smarts to get around this? no tweaking, just out of the box it works.

But, Vuze is bloated and slows down my system so i wish there's a way to get uTorrent working.

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