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Loading Backwards?!?


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For some strange reason, this one torrent keeps jumping up to ~97.2 and then falls back to ~96.7 and it just keeps dancing back and forth between these two, despite the fact that it says I am downloading rather quickly. This hasn't just happened once either, it has been doing this for the past few hours. What could possibly cause it to load backwards?

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Yes it is, and I really wish I had asked about this sooner. This is only a 5GB torrent and I'v downloaded over 16 gigs with almost 3,000 hash fails. Problem is it has 360 availability so I have a hard time believing it can't find a usable file for me.

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Wow, I tried that, and rechecked it, it said I was at 99.8%. Continued the download and it finished in about a minute and a half..... Hmmm.. perhaps this is the reason why most people don't use the unstable alpha versions.

Thank you so much!

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