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uTorrent not opening properly

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I just noticed this recently. I have a few network drives for work mapped on my mac. It seems every time i open uTorrent, it scans for these drives before loading. It's really annoying as it can take as long as 5 minutes to open when i'm not on my work network. i've delete all the plists which make it go away for a short time, but then it just comes back. How can i make this go away?

Thanks for your time

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I have the same problem with 1.6.4 on lion

It is extremely annoying to see an application scanning your network,

Developers please answer following questions:

- how uTorrent found about NAS server address ( (~/Library/Application Support/uTorrent/ and ~/Library/Preferences/com.bittorrent.*

- Why it needs to connect there

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