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I pause video torrent, later resume but video file does not update.


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I paused a video download, closed uTorrent and shut down the computer. When I restarted, I resumed the download. uTorrent's window shows the percentage of the torrent that's been downloaded continues to grow after the resume. But the content of the mpg file that is being downloaded is not updating.

The mpg file is stuck where it was when I first paused the download. (I am able to play the partially downloaded mpeg file to view its progress, though I don't do this while uTorrent is running).

I have now paused and resumed twice, shutting down the computer each time.

When I exit uTorrent, the mpg file's "date modified" date updates. But the video content ends at the same place it ended before, with no new content added, despite uTorrent showing that the download continues to get bigger.

Anyone know what's going on? Thanks for any help.

I'm using uTorrent 3.13.

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