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Empty files in utorrent download folder after 1.5GB of precious Dwnld


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Yo!~ I experience that problem a long time, you want to know what it is; sometimes there's a glitch in the program which sometimes it can't pin point where the directory was so therefore it deletes automatically or you did not put it in a safe folder which others might delete ( i mean someone who is touching your PC) or the download is a dud (fake). :cool:

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Thanks! uTorrent created the directory as it did for all the others. However, I did try to access a file before the download was complete. Maybe that was the glitch or it is a fake but there was seeding which used up data transfer allocation or it could have been the slow speed (shaped)? Ran Recuva to find deleted files but none found. Really cant afford to try again as wireless broardband is expensive.:rolleyes: Thanks again!

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