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Mac Version new Features required


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Hi Dear Developers of uTorrent

the Problem is how much faster windows version is growing and mac version is just the same with windows in some way and mostly so left behind.

First : Toolbar is so empty and so lame move some features that windows version have and had before in Mac too like Queue arrows for moving up and down multiple files to when to start to download in the line.

I removed more requests because mods here are so angry and i don't want to be deleted again or locked up lol

Thanks for all your hard work to bring this amazing app to our homes.

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The mac version does have up/down queue arrows in toolbar, you just need to add them from the 'customize toolbar' context menu. Also, you are welcome to send a list of reasoned requests to mac@bittorrent.com and we will definitely consider it!


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Ok Thanks I downloaded a latest version of uTorrent Beta version it is added now thanks but with my version 1.6. I don't remember what was the exact version but when i clicked on search for update it said you are using the latest version so you have to download it manually

here is the links for other users


it is Disabled by the way and it does not work and now even the right click menu Queue is not working

I hope Others will find this useful and than you so much and you can close it now if you may

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