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Skip Files from list


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So I have some huge torrents, where each has like 1000 files. I only need like 200 of them. Is there any possibility to skip the remaining 800 files? I can easily create a list from all the unwanted (or wanted files) from a database. My first idea was to just create files with the exact same filename. But this doesn't work of course, because uTorrent checks all MD5s I think. Can I disable this filecheck or can you think of any other possibility to realize this? I know this is really a niche problem, but if anyone has an idea, it would be great . ;)

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Is there any possibility to skip the remaining 800 files?

Priority: don't download

I can easily create a list from all the unwanted (or wanted files) from a database.

uTorrent won't use it.

uTorrent checks all MD5s I think

Nope. Per-piece sha1.

Can I disable this filecheck or can you think of any other possibility to realize this?

So you want to give out bad pieces, get banned for hashfails, and not get any download?

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