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Peer Error offline (timed out) can't upload upload speed suffering


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I use peerguardian and little snitch, I've tried running uTorrent with these disabled and still have the same result...it's getting quite frustrating. I have a belkin wireless router and the cable modem that time warner provides...

what settings should I be using for utorrent? I've found other posts in the windows section regarding this issue, however there are some settings that can't be edited in the mac version it seems?

What port should I use?

Also note that I've been watching the log for peerguardian also and it's not blocking any of the connections that come out of uTorrent. I've run traceroutes on a few of the offending connections (peers) and it seems okay, I'm newbish but know a little bit, I could really use some help and direction.

Also receiving "no route to host" error

What info can I provide to help narrow this down?


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