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Static or Dynamic - which gives a proper Port Open?


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Hi. I'm able to upload and download quite happily but it bugged me that, after running the tests in Setup Guide, the Network Check said that my chosen utorrent port was not open "but you may still download". Portcheckers such as canyouseeme also said the port was closed. (Notwithstanding this, I've ALWAYS had the green circle, bottom right, saying 'your network connection is working as it should'.)

After a bit of research, I found that my router will properly 'port forward' only if the IP address is static. So I made it static and, voila, all indicators say the port is open.

But I prefer a dynamic IP address. So, on the basis that I can upload/download with a Dynamic IP, does it matter that the Network Check tells me the port is closed? Or will I be faster with a Static IP?

My grateful thanks for any guidance.

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Like yourself, I don't wish a static ip as there are issues around having one. I have a netgear router and have forwarded the ports through that and utorrent tells me all is fine when I do my checks and my speeds are fine. It may well be that my ip address isn't changing, as I believe they don't change that often on a home computer that is shared, but never bother to check this.

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