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Giving Torrent a Stifler's Ki-O-Ken.... Boost


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Did i fast read the Mini-guide to help all of you with your speed problems... YES

My Os:- Winxp Pro

My Utorrent ver :- 1.5 [437]

My net spped :- 256 K/Bs up and down

Ya i patched the max open connection to 50

My Fav Torrent Client :- Simple Yet Powerful+Efficient..... Utorrent

My technique works on all version of Utorrent...

There are many torrent that gives me 13 - 18- 24 --12 back as download speed

They take full 24 upload speed..

Trust me this works I limited the upload to 18 K/Bs then Stiffy Boost applied

Am getting constant 24 -28-20 ...Never gone below 20 if there are atleast 15 seeds..

Give it a Try .....


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