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utorrent for mac not following queue limits


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I'm running utorrent for mac v1.65. Unfortunately utorrent isn't following the queue limits set in the app's preferences. I have set:

Prefs/Bitorrent/Queues/Active transfer limits to 8

Prefs/Bitorrent/Queues/Active download limits to 5

I currently have 5 downloads running (that's fine it's adhering to the queue limit) but I have around 30 torrents actively seeding where I would have thought this would have been limited to 3 (5 transfers downloading and 3 seeding making 8 total).

Is anyone else having this problem? I never had this problem with the Windows version...

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I also have this -Q limit problem- since update + SECOND BUG. First, yours...

I use Bandwidth Pref only to micromanage so other my other computer application processes are not limited or aborted for lack of bandwidth.

Like you, individual settings don't seem to work at all. Until this KNOWN bug is fixed by next update,

ANSWER: I found that for me, checking box Mac uTorrent Pref> Bandwidth> to "Automatically manage bandwidth" (allows me to get email, etc.) best of all settings I have tried, since this problem.


2nd BUG: unknown? math algorithm related? >> SEED SESSION RATIO.

Concurrent with THIS bug,.. also appearing after last update ..., SESSION RATIO field

(right hand quantity of 3 displayed at centered bottom of main window)

formerly displayed my overall session up/down-load ratio. Now it jitters; apparently displaying individual active torrent ratios, but none of the torrents I have active or archived are anywhere near the ratio of most numbers displayed, individually or as any aggregate I can model.

So I assume it is NOW -changed to- the upload/seed session stat for individual pings, rather than sum of up/down ratio as before, an average.

Typical numbers displayed are between 2-70, after one day session, with average of 3-7, Right-clicking field, shows still set to infinite seed.

I would like to set it back to averaging seed session ratio. Is there a way I missed?

I joined this forum to look for this latter topic. Why I read yours.

I may need to create a new one?

THIS IS CERTAINLY ABOUT QUEUE statistic, but a different symptom.

HELP from staff for most efficient forum use would be appreciated!

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