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Test req: Downgrade from 1.5 > 1.4


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requesting a small test from users who are haveing a speed problems *after* upgrading to uTorrent 1.5.0 ( post the result in this thread as feedback to the developers )

- can you try to downgrade (use the older version) of uTorrent for 2 days, and see if that solvies the problem ( Just to see if the problem is in the upgrade, or if it is with your connection )

my expirance with the speed problem: it seem that the new DHP will announce itself, then it will recive a huge amount of connection requests (no matter what you set your limit to). Even though uTorrent rejects those request, that fact that those requests come is what is eating the bandwidth. Or at the very lest, that what was happning on my computer, but now am back to normal download speed *and* am able to actualy use the internet. (before, I could hardly open a webpage)

By the way, should DHP be working if the tracker is still working with lots of seeds on it?!

P.S. cann't spell so sue me :-)


DHT uses very little bandwidth. 1.5 itself makes no difference in speed. The only difference is that it actually USES net.max_halfopen, and this overloads cruddy routers. DHT's rate limiting was also changed from 4096 B/s to a variable value.

If you have speed problems or other internet related issues, you have a hardware problem. Lower net.max_halfopen, set a manual dht.rate, or just turn off DHT.


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