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system clock loses time!


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I gess it's a small problem but but after Utorrent runs for a wile the system colck slowley loses time ( 10 hr.seeding/down.=about 1hr.loss) eney ideas why? could this cous problems?


yes thank you. I also am runing ME on a slow box (700MHZ 256RAM)

and doing a restart resets the clock( easey enuf ) so is this gust a small querk or a potentionaly sereus poblem?

Should I consider one of the other OS. that were mentiond?

thanks :)



Nothing serious, I guess. If you have to stick with Windows ME, then try finding a time synchronizing utility. You can try using XP, I guess, but I can't guarantee good performance with your computer's specs =T


Well thank you Ultima. as befor ( in my thred in troubleshoting ) with a little help from you all my Utorrent prefoms its job resonabley well!!




Hrm, I was just playing with XP on a computer with PIII 866MHz, and amazingly, it still felt snappy, without disabling any services. Of course, this computer had 768MB RAM, so that probably made all the difference =T


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