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Move selected files does not work


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3.2.1 buid 28086

WinXP SP3 with a program teracopy (but this should not affect)

In the unfinished torrent with multiple files I selected some and tried to move it to another folder. The same does not work with complete and incomplete files. But if you move only one file that works. When you try to transfer files this torrent says that it can not move the files because it can not find them - but the files are still in place.

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It's been around a while - http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=104959

One other thing is that the relocate option on the Files Context Menu should be disabled when the job is started, which it is not on client version Relocate is available regardless of job status.

Single files will move correctly.

Two or more selected will cause an "file not found error".

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