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finished downloads


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I have utorrent configured to move finished downloads to a different location. Yet when the download completes, the file stays in directory that the torrent is located in. Why is that? Any/all suggestions are welocomed.



What ultima trys to say might be

Do you mean with "completed" the really completed state of the file!

He might want to say to you: As long as the seeding goal is not reached a download with 100% downloaded is finished but it is not completed and therefore it is not moved and this is no troubleshooting issue because that is no error but an intended behaviour (i only guess, 'cause i do not use this automated moving feature)

Ultima correct me if my interpretation/translation of your sentence is wrong ;-)


Correct =P

µTorrent can't move files if it's still using it, and unless the status actually says it's completed or stopped, then µTorrent's still using the file.


OK, why does this option work for some and not for others? I have utorrent configured the same way for all downloads. I'm sorry if I am missinf something here.


Uh, did you bother reading what we wrote? µTorrent ONLY moves the files when the torrent finishes downloading AND seeding. The files that did move for you probably completed both, and I'm guessing, were probably smaller.


hey !

I m having trouble running a finished download, It is a video clip, I cant find the .avi file, it says the file has downloaded but all I can see are the .rar files, A lot of them.

Can somebody please help me fix this?



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