Merlin Posted April 26, 2006 Report Posted April 26, 2006 Since two days CPU use increases up to 100% when starting utorrent. Never had the roblem before. I am using ZoneAlarm pro, shutting down does'nt help.
Ultima Posted April 26, 2006 Report Posted April 26, 2006 Do you have ANYTHING in the Incompatible Software list in the FAQ?
Firon Posted April 26, 2006 Report Posted April 26, 2006 and if you don't, it's probably zone alarm. only an uninstall works, disabling WILL NOT WORK.
ozzyth Posted April 27, 2006 Report Posted April 27, 2006 Hi!I had been using Bitcomet for a while and everything was running smoothly. My harddrive had a single partition only, so I decided that I should split it; and did so with partition magic. I did not change file system, which was NTFS. After that I started getting very high CPU usage, couldnot do anything while torrenting. Then I upgraded - - to utorrent hoping that it would be the solution, but I continue to get freezes and high CPU. I looked through your forum and did a couple of things like changing io_write values and no solution there either. Since this problem started after splitting my hard drive, I dont really think the problem is firewall or AV related. ANy idea what could be the problem and how to solve it? Computer details are:AMD Semp 2800512 DDR RAM40 gb 5400 RPM seagatewith XP SP2, zonealarm, avg AV, peerguardian2.any help will be greatly appreciated!
Firon Posted April 28, 2006 Report Posted April 28, 2006 Uninstall AVG and Zone Alarm, and make sure your drive is set to UDMA, not PIO (control panel -> system -> hardware -> device manager -> IDE ATA/ATAPI controller, check properties)
ozzyth Posted April 28, 2006 Report Posted April 28, 2006 Uninstall does the trick for utorrent, but not for bitcomet; I still dont understand how it was working fine with these programs and suddenly makes problems. Anyway, what can I use as AV and FW that wont cause these problems then? any suggestions?
Firon Posted April 28, 2006 Report Posted April 28, 2006 Did you check what I mentioned about your drive?
ozzyth Posted April 28, 2006 Report Posted April 28, 2006 Yes I checked it. However my system is in german, so i tried to translate what I saw; it roughly translates to ...primary channel, device zero: transmission mode: DMA if availableup-to date transmission mode:PIOdevice 1: transmission mode: DMA if availablesec. channel device zero:transmission mode: DMA if availableup-to date transmission mode:ultra DMA mode 2device 1: transmission mode: DMA if available
µtorrent-Guest Posted April 28, 2006 Report Posted April 28, 2006 ozzyth, i guess you are german, so i allow meyself to do this in german:Dein Problem ist, dass deine Festplatte nur im langsamen PIO modus läuft.Grund kann sein ein nur 40 poliges kabel statt 80 polig, oder das windows die platte automitishc in den langsameren PIO modus schaltet wenn leseschwierigkeiten auftreten. (Ist mir jedenfalls als Möglichkeit bei CD laufwerken bekannt!)Wenn du tatsächlich ein 80 poliges IDE kabel hast, und der DMA modus eigentlich gehen sollte kannst du mal vesuchen Windows klarzumachen das es das Laufwerk wieder Im DMA Modus anspricht. Bei CD laufwerken geht das einfach indem du das Gerät im Gerätemanger entfernst, Bei Neustart wird es wieder erkannt und im bestmöglichen Modus angesprochen.Versuche dieses mit der Festplatte ebenfalls.Afair gab es auf auch mal einen redaktionellen Beitrag wie diese Festplattenbremse auch wieder gelößt werden kann durch löschen des Fehlerzählers/PIO umschalters in der Registry. Frag am besten bei nach wie du die "PIO Festplattenbremse" wieder löst.HTH
ozzyth Posted April 28, 2006 Report Posted April 28, 2006 Thanks a lot, however, I am not German and do not really speak german. It`s just my computer:)PS: When I had this CPU problem with utorrent i also got disk overload warning
µtorrent-Guest Posted April 28, 2006 Report Posted April 28, 2006 oops, so then soory for german!But did you get what i told you about the PIO/DMA problem?deinstall the disk in "D:Gerätemanager" (Device manager(?)) and see if it comes back as DMA after Reboot. But maybe the Dsik is nearly dying. Look for some S.M.A.R.T. testing software from the drive vendor to be shure.
Nefarious Posted April 29, 2006 Report Posted April 29, 2006 yeah, even if he is german, all people should be able to contribute to what other people said, so keep it english
Firon Posted April 29, 2006 Report Posted April 29, 2006 Sometimes it's just a random glitch. If it goes back to DMA, and doesn't revert to PIO, that was the case.
ozzyth Posted April 29, 2006 Report Posted April 29, 2006 it went back to DMA. So now can I re-install my AV and Firewall softwares? is my hard drive dying?
Ultima Posted April 29, 2006 Report Posted April 29, 2006 Yeah, try reinstalling them. If it becomes 100% CPU usage again, then they're part of the problem, and you have to switch to other security softwares.
µtorrent-Guest Posted April 30, 2006 Report Posted April 30, 2006 ozzyth,it COULD be the case that your drive is nearly dying (not a must! as your AV+FW could cause the PIO change)But it can do no harm if you check the S.M.A.R.T. values for that drive.
ozzyth Posted May 6, 2006 Report Posted May 6, 2006 Well, SMART values are pretty good. I read that defragmenting the drive sometimes can cause this switch to PIO; and defrag I did before partitioning:) I guess that was the reason for the cpu problem/DMA-PIO change, because I reinstalled the AV and FW, no problems so far.
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