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Green light just for a few minutes


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I start the Utorrent 2.3.2, and a get a Green light, i can use the internet normally, but after 5/10 minutes the green light tun into the "!", the download starts to slow down, and when i try to use the internet the pages don´t load anymore, ou just a little part of them.

I already checked windows firewall, and i have put the port i´am using in, the bitdefender is configured to allow utorrent, router configured to allow the port that utorrent use.

If i click two times in the "!" sign and make the network test, it pass, with a green check but, the "!" sign continue in the place of the green light

I lowered the maximum number of connection to 125, and peers per torrent to 50, but i still can´t use the internet or the page load to slow

Max upload speed set to 20-30 kb/s, i can get close to 50 kb/s

OS: Vista 32x

ps. Sry my english. But i think u get what i want to say.

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